Get Access to ALL Hijama Point Treatment Plans

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Click below to get full access to all hijama / cupping points:

£79.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Abdominal Pain:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Amenorrhea (missed periods):

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Anal Fistula:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Angiospasm and Arteriosclerosis:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Atrophy of Brain Cells:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Autoimmune Issues:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Back Pain:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Blood Circulation:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Cellulite:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Chronic Constipation:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Chronic Coughs and Lung Diseases:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Clinical Memory Loss:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Colon Diverticulitis:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Convulsion and Fits:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Depression, Withdrawal, Insomnia, Psychological Conditions and Nervousness:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Diabetes:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Diarrhea:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Elephantiasis:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Epilepsy:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Excessive Sleep:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Eye Diseases:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Food Allergies:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Gastritis:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Gout Uric Acid:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Headaches:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Heart Disease:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Hemorrhage (vaginal bleeding):

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Hemorrhoids:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for High Blood Pressure:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Immune System Deficiency:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Infertility:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Involuntary Urination:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Kidney Disease:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Liver and Gall Bladder Disease:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Mental Retardation:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Migraines:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Muscle Spasms:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Mutism:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Nasal Sinuses:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Neck Pain and Shoulder Pain:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Neuritis:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Obesity:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Oedema:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Ovaries Stimulation:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Paralysis of One Side:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Period Problems:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Prostate and Erectile Dysfunction:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Quadriplegia:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Reduced Perception Awareness:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Reproductive Organs Pain (female):

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Rheumatoid Arthritis:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Roughness of the Knee:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Sciatica:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Skin Diseases:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Smoking:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Sores, Abscesses and Iliac Fossae:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Stomach Problems and Ulcers:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Thyroid disease:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Tingling Arms:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Tingling Feet:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Tinnitus and Weakness of Hearing and inflammation:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Tonsils, Throat, Gums, Teeth, and Middle Ear Issues:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Varicocele:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Varicose Veins:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Vertigo:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price
Get access now to hijama / cupping points for Weight loss:

£9.95 Achieving Health
Introductory Price

* Hijama Points does not offer medical advice. Any treatment plan referred to on this site or any information received from Hijama Points or a representative of Hijama Points is not to be construed as medical advice. Hijama Points is providing information on the holistic, alternative, and spiritual treatment referred to as Hijama (cupping). In all circumstances a local GP, medical practitioner, and a Certified Hijama Therapist should be consulted.

What do you get?

  • Multi-session treatment plans
  • Detailed diagrams with hijama points
  • Created from decades of experience
  • Expert advice on lifestyle & complementary approaches
  • 12 month access to content 
  • Start your wellness journey Today

If you need a one-to-one hijama consultation click here.